Elon Musk on Mars (Why he’s no longer my mentor)
Elon Musk on Mars- he’s an American businessman and the greatest innovator in the world who is obsessed with putting man on Mars by 2050. This perhaps is his greatest mission yet. Whether he will succeed I don’t know only time would tell. He’s the founder of many successful companies including Tesla- the electric car company, Solar city- the solar and lithium-ion battery company and SpaceX- the space company. When Musk speaks the world listens because he’s the 21st century greatest innovator and inventor as well as a billionaire. He woke up one day and gave out all the patent to his invention, from out of this came the hyperloop. A company know as Hyperloop One is trying to build a tunnel from California to New York which will enable people commute in a faster and shortest time to the East coast.
Elon Musk plans to build 1000 Starships which he’s currently developing in a SpaceX facility in the South-Texas. The goal to Musk is to launch an average of three Starships per day and make the trip to Mars available to everyone.
Elon Musk on is foray to Mars has this to say “I think when I say multi planet species, that’s really what we want to be. It’s not like still being a single planet. It’s really being a multi planet species and having civilization and life as we know it extends beyond Earth to the rest of the solar systems and ultimately to other star systems. That’s the future that’s exciting and inspiring, and you know, you need things like that to be glad to wake up in the morning. Life can’t be just about solving problems. There have to be things that are exciting and inspiring that make you glad to be alive.
You need to have conviction to uphold and pursue your dreams to a logical conclusion. And that’s what Musk has going for him, he’s an avow risk taker, that’s why his companies are successful.
In my life I have had many role models and mentors, And I have tried to emulate their lives.
But today Elon Musk would no longer be my mentor. I am afraid he would convince me to join the SpaceX expendition to Mars to inhabit Mars forever. Earth, is a sweet place full of beautiful women, beautiful cars like the Tesla cars and beautiful places like St. Vincent and the Granadines, Bora Bora, Belize and French Polynesia. Nope, Elon I like to stay on Earth and enjoy these things.